As a Professional and a coach for 26 years now, I can tell you how much of an effect we have on a person’s life, adult or children. When I certify my trainers I always say are you ready to save someone’s life? True words. With one motivational word, encouragement, letting them feel a part of a team and included them we can allow someone’s self-esteem to sore and empower them in ways we couldn't even imagine.
A bad coach can have the opposite effect and I want to share my frustration and experience with a horrible coach which broke my daughter’s self-esteem and sent her on a path I tried for years to help her avoid. No matter what I did I wasn't getting anywhere.
This High School soccer coach has over 10 years of complaints that have been reported to the prior Athletic Director regarding him, Coach Sprouls. The answer is always the same that he is a teacher and in the union and they have not looked elsewhere to hire a new coach. Parents were not informed of what else they could do and didn’t realize they could go to a school committee meeting to make sure he was not appointed. If they knew they would have had him out years ago. I put together with other parents that complained about him a list of reasons why this man should not be coaching our children.
- He had his friend hold an illegal soccer camp during the summer
- From the first practice with the
- He had the girls pay 20.00 each for used pennies for practices that were the
- There were also fundraisers held where the coach did not fill out the proper paperwork to hold a fundraiser and there is no bookkeeping log of what was raised and for what it was raised for. There is an ongoing investigation into this by the superintendent but this is another policy he has broken.
- After a home scrimmage
- Several other coaches have told numerous parents that Coach Sprouls has asked them to help him run soccer drills and help coach the girls because he does not know how to do that himself.
- He does NOT communicate at all with the parents. He has his Captains send out twitter messages. Mind you the Captains have still not really been introduced to all the girls on the team. Some of these girls have no clue who is who.
- He does not have the Captains help with the other players. Some newer players have asked the experienced girls to help them with something they did not understand and they were not answered but
- The AD in his speech at orientation said Johnston High School hopes that you nudge your children to come out and try sports and participate. This new freshmen came out to play soccer and was told by Coach Sprouls that this is not the place to learn soccer and their daughter should have played recreation soccer to learn. Then sits her out like she is nothing. That alone could kill this poor girl’s self-esteem for a long time and truly affect her life in a negative way. A coach should never make any child feel like a total outcast. After a
- The JV Team was also cut this year. Numerous reasons have been told to parents but from what we see there
- Coach Sprouls reputation has scared off many students from not trying out for soccer that
- All practices are run the same way all the time. The girls are bored and not excited or happy to be a part of this team. The assistant coach on Saturday, Sept. 12th, 2015 was so frustrated herself with him at the practice she walked off the field and left the practice.
- Coach Sprouls does not sub the girls during games or play all his players. He has star athletes that he sits on the bench and never plays. He is not giving a shot to any of these girls to shine. He has exhausted players on the field that need a break and won’t sub them out.
- Coach Sprouls took kids out of a game because they took a shot on net and he wasn’t happy from where they did it from. He is a bully and his coaching is not professional. He does not know the game of soccer at all and if they are winning it is because these kids that play have skill from years before playing for
- The AD had a meeting with the team and told them they should “try as hard as the coach is coaching them” this is how he starts a meeting then telling the girls they can come to him with issues but to give the coach a break a lot of people are upset with him and they should all know not every girl will play in the games. Then one team member spoke up and he shot her down immediately and rolled his eyes at her. So the other girls felt afraid to say anything else at that point. These girls do not have a safe place to express themselves about this coach and how they feel about the lack of team spirit. One of the older seniors even yelled at the teammate for speaking up. This is not ok. And the AD after just saying you can talk to him should have encouraged the girls to speak up if they agreed with that teammate. Just like his speech on orientation day he contradicts his own words.
- There are a lot of Parents that are afraid to come forward because they are afraid their child may be benched and never see playing time.
- Coach Sprouls was also not putting scores in for each player on RIIL. This is part of his job to record scores. This only happened after parent’s complained about it after 5 games.
A coach is supposed to facilitate an environment of team building, motivation, inspiration, mentoring and training. This is not supposed to create so much anger and frustration for so many parents and children. This should be competitive but it should also be fun. This is not how any child should experience their high school years playing a sport. There is much more to being a coach then just taking the job. You should be held responsible for coaching skills, mentoring, inspiring, team building. You should have to submit an outline of how you plan on team building the team. Does the coach have team building drills in place, does the coach have skills in soccer,
I and the other parents think it’s time that there is a better plan in place for the hiring of coaches. Coaches affect the self-esteem, confidence
Meeting after meeting with